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It can get a second number, which separates your work and life. InstaMessage - Instagram Chat for Android - Download the APK from Uptodown InstaText - APK Download for Android | Aptoide more info Insta Texting - Unlimited Call 4+ - App Store InstaText Instagram Editor APK (Android App) - Free Download Instagram Lite APP. Instagram Lite from Meta is a fast and smaller version of Instagram. Built to perform well on slower networks, use less mobile data and take up less storage space on your phone, Instagram Lite makes it easier to bring yourself closer to the people and things you love. InstaMessage-Instagram Chat is an instant messaging tool that allows you to privately communicate with your friends, acquaintances, and contacts from the photo social network, Instagram. The app doesn't require you to register since it directly uses your Instagram account in order to work. Homepage. > Android Apps. > Tools. > InstaText. Kallavi Apps. Trusted. 1K+Downloads. 14.5MBSize. 4.0.1 - 4.0.2+. 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